Austin, TX, 2016

people contemplating placeholder

this booklet reflects through the placeholder creation process: art as an experience, from conceptualization to exhibition

Austin, TX, 2016
Placeholder is an experimental project curated by Leslie Moddy Castro. To create this energy processing system installed at the UT’s VAC gallery in Austin TX (2016), I collaborated with a team composed by Art Educators, Museum Educators, Studio Artists, and Designers.
I leaded this project using my own methodology for collaborative art, and shrank the whole process, from conceptualization, research, prototyping, construction and installation in about a month of intense work.
The outcome was a radial geometry hexagonal and elastic being, that harvested energy from the sun and used it to feel presence of other beings and objects in its surroundings. When placeholder detected presence, it reacted by shrinking parts of itself.
This project was accomplished thanks to Leslie Moody Castro, the Visual Arts Center (VAC), the Center for Latin American Visual Studies (CLAVIS), the NEA fund (first time in history that the VAC was awarded with this fund) and Solartec.